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Is it possible to pay a traffic fine at the post office? Where to pay traffic fines without commission? how to pay a traffic police fine at a discount without commission? how to pay a traffic police fine online, with a bank card without commission: methods


To pay a traffic fine, you do not have to visit the bank. You can do this online without leaving your home. The required amount is deposited from a bank card, and without a high commission.

You can find out about the availability of fines on the traffic police website using various documents. To do this you need:

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. Select from the list the document that will be used to search for fines:
  3. A decree of collection, the number of which (20 or 25 digits) must be entered in the field provided. This search option is available after 2-3 days from the date the fine was issued. This is approximately the amount of time it takes for a traffic police officer to transmit information to the department.
  4. Driver's license. Its number and a series of 10 letters and numbers are indicated. This method is suitable for drivers driving a company car or several vehicles. However, it does not include fines assessed based on CCTV footage.
  5. Vehicle registration certificate. Enter its series and number, consisting of 10 digits. Relevant for car owners who entrust the driving of their car to others, or organizations - for checking official vehicles. The search result also contains information from video cameras.
  6. Activate the search, after which a list of fines will appear on the screen.

Methods of paying a fine

There are many options for where you can pay the fine:

  1. Directly to the traffic police inspector who recorded the violation.
  2. On official sites:
  • Traffic police - gibdd.ru;
  • State services - gosuslugi.ru;
  • Sberbank online - https://online.sberbank.ru;
  • jar.
  1. Through virtual payment systems:
  1. Using special services on the Internet that do not require linking a bank card.
  2. By mobile phone.
  3. Through ATMs and terminals.

Under what conditions is the service provided?

The commission deducted from the payment amount depends on the system. Payment of traffic police fines without commission is available on the State Services website for some types of bank cards.

Payment systems Commission Restrictions on the amount of payment (r.)
traffic police 9,5%
Public services 1%, for some cards - 0%
Sberbank Online 1% (50% discount when connecting autopayment)
Yandex money From 1 to 10%, but not less than 30 rubles.
  • up to 9970 - from the card;
  • up to 14,970 - from wallet
QIWI 3%, but not less than 30 rub. 100–250 000
  • 10% - starting from 1000 rubles;
  • 5% - starting from 14,000 rub.
50–15 000
  • 7.8% - from 1000 rubles, with receipt delivery - 11.7%;
  • 59% - from RUR 14,000, with receipt delivery - 63%
Mobile app 1%
Terminal 3–3.5%, but not less than 30 rub.

How to pay a fine at the scene of an accident

The opportunity to transfer the collected amount directly to a traffic inspector or at a traffic police post has appeared recently. So far, this service is available only in a few regions, for example, in Rostov and Magadan. Payment occurs as follows:

  1. The traffic police officer enters the fine amount and the order number into the terminal.
  2. The driver inserts the card into the device and enters its PIN code.
  3. One of the printed receipts remains with the inspector, the other - with the violator.

Pay a fine online

Repaying debt on the Internet, regardless of the system, occurs in a similar way. To do this you need:

  • passport details;
  • SNILS number;
  • mobile phone number or e-mail address.
  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. Enter your plastic card details.
  3. Go to the services or payments page, depending on the system.
  4. Select the section on traffic police fines and indicate the payment method.
  5. For Yandex.Money, you need to select the region and the traffic police department that issued the fine. In this case, the system will automatically provide more detailed information, which must coincide with that specified in the resolution.
  6. Enter:
  • resolution number;
  • date of issue;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the driver;
  • place of residence;
  • amount of recovery;
  • essence of the violation.
  1. Activate the search for all imposed penalties (for the traffic police website).
  2. Transfer money from a bank card, e-wallet or mobile phone.
  3. Confirm the transfer of funds.

You can also enable automatic notification of new fines.

By mobile phone

To transfer funds via a mobile phone, you need to install a bank or other payment system application on it. Provide the same information as when paying through an ATM. You can also transfer funds directly from your phone account. This service is provided by MTS, Beeline, Megafon operators for the websites of State Services, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Skoroplata and other systems.

Is it possible to deposit funds for another person?

Any person can pay for the violator, regardless of the form of payment. It is enough to present the resolution (when visiting the bank) or indicate the necessary information when making an online payment. However, the funds must be transferred specifically from the card of the fined person, since the decision specifies his data.

Debt maturity

After the decision is issued, the violator is given 10 days to appeal. The fine must be paid within 60 days from the end of the appeal period. Otherwise, the case is transferred to the hands of bailiffs. Overdue fines are paid in the same way as regular fines. The statute of limitations is 2 years, counted after the 10-day period.

Even the most careful and prudent driver is not immune from violating traffic rules. Considering the many changes that the legislation of the Russian Federation has recently undergone regarding traffic regulation, there is a strong need to familiarize road users with their rights and responsibilities. This is especially true for various monetary penalties for violations committed, as well as various nuances of their payment. Modern legislation of the Russian Federation provides for many different methods of paying fines issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - from quite archaic ones such as payment through Russian Post or a branch of the State Road Safety Inspectorate to payment via the Internet or through a bank terminal. Be that as it may, any method of paying traffic police fines provided for by law is equivalent to the others, however, under different circumstances, you can give preference to one of them. This article discusses some of these methods, as well as a number of features of paying penalties for traffic violations in the light of current changes in regulatory legislation.

Procedure for paying a traffic fine

To pay a traffic police fine you need:

  • Issued receipt (decree).
  • Car number and driver's license.

Procedure for paying a traffic fine:

  1. Receive a ticket for traffic violations.
  2. Select a day and visit a bank branch.
  3. Deposit money based on the amount of the fine.

Also, the new rules for paying traffic fines allow payment online through a smartphone application, on the traffic police website or State Services.

Note: if you pay the fine promptly, you can get a 50 percent discount.

On the other hand, if you do not make the payment within the due period (60 days), in accordance with Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the driver will be subject to an administrative penalty in the form of an additional fine of 100% of the amount of the debt. Or 15 days of arrest.

How to pay a traffic police fine through an ATM

When it comes to paying traffic police fines through an ATM or terminal, people most often talk about the services of Sberbank. This is due to the fact that any penalty decision must be registered in the Federal Treasury database, but not every bank has access to it. There are three ways to pay a fine in the terminal of this bank - through the barcode on the receipt, through the menu item “Fines, taxes, state duties,” or through the TIN. Actually, this is true for other banks. In the first case, in the “Payments” item (in Sberbank - “Payments in your region”) you must select “Payments by barcode”, attach the barcode to the reading element, then enter the payment details (date of resolution, full name, address) and pay using the appropriate button. If the receipt is issued without a barcode, you must enter the relevant data manually. This is done in two ways - either in the “Payments” item, find the sub-item “Fines, taxes, state duties” or similar. where there must be a clause about traffic police fines, or through the TIN of the relevant traffic police department, which must be indicated on the receipt. Sometimes paying a fine is possible directly at the inspection department, since some traffic police departments are equipped with a banking terminal that allows payment on the spot. No matter how the payment is made, it is important to always keep a receipt for payment.

How to pay a traffic police fine online

Currently, there are a wide variety of ways to pay traffic police penalties via the World Wide Web. More than 92% of residents of Russian cities have used online payment services at least once in their lives, including to pay traffic police fines. The reason for this is their convenience, the absence of the need to stand in line or go out anywhere at all. It is important to understand that in this case, in almost all cases, a commission is removed from the payment, which differs in different payment systems. Online payment methods include payment through the official website of the traffic police, the Unified portal for the provision of public services or its regional analogues, modern electronic payment systems (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, QIWI wallet or terminal), as well as Internet banking services, for example, Sberbank Online. With all the convenience of online payment methods, it is important to take into account the size of the commission, which is very different for different services. Payments through the official website of the traffic police and portals for the provision of government services work completely without commission; with other services the situation is somewhat different. So, when paying through the Yandex.Money and Sberbank Online systems, a 1% commission is removed, a QIWI wallet - already 3%, and a QIWI terminal - already 3.5%. In many cases, the traffic police fine payment service provides detailed instructions for making the payment.

How to pay a traffic police fine without a receipt

However, the above methods for the most part (except for online payments) work if the violator has a decision on violating traffic rules. If the owner of the vehicle for some reason does not have this document, then it is necessary to look for other options. One of many alternatives is to pay directly at a bank branch using Form PD-4. However, for completing this very form you must pay a commission of 15% of the fine amount, so for those who have been fined heavily, it is more reasonable to pay in some other way. In this case, you can make a payment on the traffic police website, where information about fines is also stored. It is also wise to use online payment services to pay without using a fine order, since when using them you just need to indicate the purpose of the payment and deposit the specified amount. If the owner of the vehicle has not only lost the receipt, but also does not remember the amount of the fine, you must send an SMS message to number 9112, in which you must indicate the word traffic police, vehicle number and driver’s license number. However, the most reasonable way to simply prevent the loss of a violation notice and personal time is to pay the fine on the spot, if, of course, the traffic inspector has a cash register for this purpose.

How long does it take to pay a traffic fine?

According to the latest changes in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the period for payment of a traffic police fine is increased to 60 days from the date of entry into force of the decision on the fine. In fact, this period is 70 days, since the decision on a fine comes into force only 10 days after receipt of the notification - the period given for appealing the decision on a monetary penalty. In case of failure to pay the penalty on time, the violator faces either a new fine of double the amount, but not less than 1 thousand rubles, or arrest for up to 15 days, or 50 hours of compulsory labor with a ban on traveling abroad. The question arises about the presence of some compensatory mechanisms that simplify the motorist’s ability to pay a fine. Such mechanisms are prescribed in Russian legislation, leaving some room for maneuver for the violator. Firstly, starting in 2016, a rule came into force that provided a 50% discount for paying fines for minor traffic violations, valid for 20 days from the date the fine was issued. The discount does not apply to repeated violations and facts that resulted in bodily harm of varying severity for other road users. Secondly, fines have a validity period, and paragraph 5 of Article 31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for the optional implementation of the decision on punishment if it was not implemented within two years from the date the decision entered into force. Finally, if the driver has to pay a large fine, he can either defer it for a month or pay it in installments over three months.

Having received the decision, drivers are looking for a way to pay the traffic police fine without a commission. But this is not possible in all cases. Let's look at what payment options exist, their advantages and disadvantages, and give detailed instructions on how to make payments.

Is it possible to pay a fine without a fee?

The driver has only two months from the date of receiving the fine from the State Traffic Inspectorate to pay it. Otherwise the amount will be doubled. Thus, legislators decided to fine those who do not fulfill their duty to be punished. Those who are ready to pay the collection as quickly as possible are offered a 50% discount within 20 days from the date of the decision. But only if we are not talking about serious traffic violations, such as driving into the oncoming lane. It is also important to remember that funds are not credited instantly; it takes 1-3 business days. Therefore, you should not delay payment until the last day.

There are quite a few ways to pay the fine, but some of them involve charging a fee for transferring funds. Its size may vary, but, as a rule, it is no less than 1% and no more than 3% of the size of the fine itself. The commission is charged both for transferring funds in full and for paying a fine at a discount. Let's review all the fine payment methods available today and look at some of them step by step.

What payment methods are the most profitable?

The most profitable methods, of course, will be those that allow you to avoid paying a commission for transferring funds. So far there are few of them. Let's take a closer look.

From a bank card via Internet banking or mobile banking

Today, Sberbank and some other equally large credit institutions offer to pay a fine with a bank card via the Internet. Payment is possible both through the mobile application and in your personal account on the website.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • log in and log into the application or personal account;
  • in the “Payments and Transfers” tab, select “Fines”;
  • enter the number of the decree or your driver’s license;
  • select the required fine;
  • confirm the payment has been completed.

From the traffic police website or the State Services portal online

The driver can find out whether he has administrative penalties through the official traffic police portal or the e-government website. You will be asked to provide your driver's license number or vehicle registration number. After which all unpaid debts will be issued. From the site it is possible to pay a fine without commission online in several ways: from a bank card or one of the electronic wallets. You can print a receipt for payment at the bank.

Through a payment terminal or ATM of Sberbank

  • select “Products and Services” from the menu;
  • go to the “Fines” section;
  • find unpaid penalties by license number or car registration certificate;
  • click "Pay".

The account owner can set up notifications about fines issued via SMS or email. This will help you track and pay for them in a timely manner, avoiding delays.

Via Qiwi wallet

The Qiwi payment service makes it possible to pay a fine by order number from an electronic wallet through a website, mobile application or terminal.

In order to do this, you must:

  • log into your wallet by entering its number (phone number) and code;
  • select the “Administrative fines” tab;
  • find the traffic police department that issued the fine in the list;
  • enter the resolution number;
  • be sure to indicate the full amount of the recovery;
  • confirm payment completion;
  • receive a receipt in the terminal, save or print it using other methods.

From various payment sites. At the request “pay a traffic fine” you can find quite a few sites offering to do this quickly and without commission. However, such offers should be treated with caution, as there is a considerable chance of becoming a victim of scammers. In the best case, the funds debited from the card or electronic wallet will simply disappear; in the worst case, fraudsters will gain access to the card data or password from the account in the electronic payment system.

First of all, the holder of a plastic card (credit, debit - it doesn’t matter) can pay the fine through. But there are many other ways. The online payment option is first on our list, because... It is not only the simplest, but also the most popular.

Internet banking

There is already quite a lot of material on Internet banking on our website. Every bank that respects itself and its clients provides such a service. And the further you go, the more opportunities Internet banking has.

In particular, clients of many banks can pay a fine via the Internet using the Internet banking system ( Sberbank , Banka24.ru and etc.). It is difficult to describe such a fine payment step by step, because... Each bank has its own interface and rules. But often they are similar. For example, you can take one of the most popular banking services - Alfa-Click Alfa-Bank .

To pay the traffic police fine, the user needs to log in to the system, go to the “Transfers” section, then “Transfers to the budget of the Russian Federation”, select “Payment of non-tax payments” and fill out the form with the details.

In other banks the procedure will not be radically different.

Electronic payment systems

If your bank’s Internet banking does not allow you to pay a fine online or for some reason you do not want to make a transaction in this system, then special Internet resources come to the rescue.

There are quite a lot of them, like Internet banking. You can start with such well-known services as Yandex.Money and QIWI.

U QIWI (by the way, those who wish to make a payment on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are redirected here) the form of payment is the simplest - enter the number of the resolution, its date, the amount of the fine and a comment on the payment. QIWI commission is 3% (minimum 30 rubles). There are also restrictions on the amount of such payment: 100-15,000 rubles.

U Yandex.Money The procedure for paying a fine online is a little more complicated than with QIWI. You need:

  1. Select the region in which the decree was issued.
  2. Select the appropriate traffic police department from the list (the name is indicated in the resolution).
  3. After selecting a traffic police department, the details are automatically pulled up. They need to be checked carefully. And if your resolutions are different, change them.
  4. Enter the decree number, the driver’s full name, his residential address, and the payment amount.
  5. Confirm the payment by following the prompts.

Yandex.Money commission - 30 rubles. The delivery time for money is 2-3 business days. Amount limit - 9970 rub. when paying with a linked plastic card and 14,970 rubles. when paying by electronic money.

This point requires clarification. To pay a fine online through these services, you not only need to register with them, but also link your card to your account.

We touched upon two currently popular electronic payment systems. But you can pay a fine to the traffic police in other similar cases - for example, in system [email protected] .

Don’t want to register on such resources and link a credit card? Okay, there are other options. There are plenty of projects that allow you to pay a fine via the Internet using a bank card.

Eg, Skoroplat system . Select the “Traffic Police Fines” section, find the desired region in the list, after which a special window will open. In its form you need to enter: the number and date of the decision, the driver’s full name, the recipient’s details (TIN, OKATO, KBK), contact phone number and the amount of the fine.

Amount restrictions: 50-15,000 rubles. You will find out the commission by filling out all fields. From 1000 rub. the commission will be 100 rubles, and from 14,000 rubles. - 750 rub. Skoroplat promises to transfer money instantly.

This is what the next site is called "Service for paying traffic fines" (address - shtraf.biz). You can pay a fine on this service using a plastic card, WebMoney, or a single W1 wallet. We will not describe the procedure in detail, because... it is the same as in the previous case.

The commission will be found out after filling out the form. If you want a receipt sent by mail, you will have to pay more. For example, from 1000 rub. you will pay 78.43 rubles. without receipt and 117.65 rub. - with a receipt. From 14,000 rub. - 592.36 and 631.58 rubles. respectively.

Actually, there is no need to consider these systems further - the payment principle is the same for all. Your task is to choose among the variety of systems: A3, Platfon (commission - 3% + 20 rubles), VsePlatezhi.ru (only for residents of the Omsk region), etc.

Fine through ATMs and terminals

It is quite logical to assume that if a bank allows you to pay traffic fines through Internet banking, then it has made sure that such payments can also be made using ATMs.

Example - payment terminals Moscow Credit Bank (there are more than 4000 of them), covering Tver, Ryazan, as well as the Moscow, Kaluga, Vladimir and Tula regions. Commission - 3% (minimum 30 rubles).

Another example is ATMs and terminals Sberbank , allowing you to pay traffic police fines throughout Russia. Please note that you need to know the series and number of the resolution.

Allows you to pay traffic fines through your information kiosks and ATMs Zapsicombank . The service is available to residents of Tyumen, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the south of the Tyumen region and in the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. The option is located in the menu item “Payments and transfers” - “Payment of traffic police fines”. Commission - 3% (minimum 30 rubles, maximum 45 rubles).

Mobile phone

There are several ways here too.

Firstly, many of the above-mentioned Internet systems have Android applications, by downloading which you can pay fines, roughly speaking, via the Internet.

Secondly, we are talking about a mobile banking service. The same Zapsicombank allows clients connected to the service to pay fines via mobile phone. To do this, the client needs to send a corresponding SMS message. Commission - 3% (minimum 30 rubles, maximum 45 rubles).

Thirdly, we are talking about services that, allowing you to pay fines via mobile phone, debit funds from your phone account. This can be done by clients of the mentioned A3 systems (MTS, Beeline, Megafon) and Skoroplat (the same operators). It should be noted that the commission when debiting from a mobile phone account is higher than when paying with a bank card. Skoroplat, for example, charges 1000 rubles. 210 rubles, and from 14,000 rubles. - 2225 rub.

Payment of a fine to the traffic police at the scene of the violation

Relatively recently, cardholders had the opportunity to pay traffic police fines directly at traffic police posts and even in the cars of traffic inspectors who recorded a violation. For these purposes, the State Traffic Inspectorate, together with Sberbank, has begun in some regions (for example, in the Magadan and Rostov regions) to equip traffic police inspectors with POS terminals. Now a driver who commits a violation and admits this fact can immediately pay the fine.

The procedure is as follows: the inspector enters the order number and amount into the terminal, the offender inserts the card and enters the PIN code. 2 receipts are printed - one remains with the traffic police officer, the second, together with a copy of the protocol, is given to the driver.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to pay a traffic fine using a bank card. All you have to do is choose the most convenient and profitable for you.

Every driver has faced the need to pay fines. The procedure is not too complicated, given that today there are several ways to perform this operation. The key issue is the fees charged by the bank. You can check and pay traffic police fines online without commission using a number of remote services.

How to check and pay a traffic fine

First you need to familiarize yourself with the options offered. There are several ways that allow you to pay a receipt online with a bank card. Also, do not ignore traditional methods, with personal visits to institutions.

Payment by bank card

It is not always possible to check and pay traffic police fines with a bank card without commission via the Internet. Much depends on the bank itself. A number of financial institutions will in any case charge a certain amount for completing a transaction. This is one of the sources of income for the institution. In general, the fee is not a serious problem, but if a large number of fines accumulate and are paid at one time, the fee can result in a more significant amount.

Do not forget that the collection percentage does not vary depending on the level of violation of the client. All operations of this type have a strictly fixed fee or a percentage of the total amount. It’s hard to say which way to pay a traffic police fine is more profitable, since it all depends on the situation, the number of receipts for payment and other factors.

Today, drivers can pay a fine as follows:

  • In the traffic police department;
  • On the online page of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (http://www.gibdd.ru/);
  • Using the State Services portal (https://www.gosuslugi.ru/);
  • Via the Internet (online banking services);
  • Electronic money;
  • Via SMS;
  • At ATMs and terminals (for example, Sberbank).

It is worth understanding that when choosing the option with electronic wallets, you will not be able to pay the traffic police fine online without a commission; these systems do not carry out transactions without fees. In some cases, the level of overpayment when using such services exceeds the bank interest rate. Therefore, it is better to abandon such an idea. It is better to pay for the order via the Internet using a bank card.

To make payments without commission/with a minimum percentage, it is recommended to use online services. Paid money is not immediately credited to the institution’s account, so the payment procedure must be completed in advance (7-10 days before the receipt expires).

In Sberbank via the Internet

Sberbank offers several ways to implement such a transaction, but only with the help of a remote service can you avoid overpayment. Internet banking is a common feature that is used by the vast majority of an organization's clients. It allows you to make payments of any type, including paying a fine at the traffic police without commission via the Internet. The fee ranges from 1 to 2 percent.

To implement this procedure, you must have a registered account in the system. Then everything is simple and intuitive:

  • Sign in;
  • Go to the Payments page;
  • Select the Traffic Police Fines/Payment by Details tab;
  • Fill out the required form (information from the protocol/resolution will be required);
  • Enter card details to pay off the fine;
  • Confirm the operation.

You should carefully review all information before confirming. Because of one mistake, money can go completely wrong or the transaction can be denied. The commission fee is set at 1-2%, and in some cases, payment of a traffic police fine in Sberbank is carried out without commission online.

This method is used quite actively, it is convenient and simple. In addition, all transaction data is stored in the system, and the client can use this in case of a dispute.

By order number online

This service has greatly simplified the lives of many citizens of the Russian Federation. With its help, you can always have up-to-date information, make an appointment online, and pay state fees/fines. You can check and pay the traffic police fine without a commission through this service. There is no commission fee, but the procedure itself is somewhat more complicated compared to other options.

Data that will need to be provided in a special form:

  • Information regarding the vehicle;
  • Owner information;
  • Details of the resolution and protocol.

Due to the large amount of information that the portal requires, many refuse its services. At first, the process may take a long time, but over time the procedure will require less and less time.

This is one of the few ways to pay a traffic police fine via the Internet without a commission (except for Sberbank). In most cases, collection is carried out, but the amount may vary.

Where is the best place to pay by credit card?

It is worth remembering that on the official page of the traffic police you can also pay a fine according to the decree. There is no commission fee in this situation, but not many car owners use this method.

Paying a fine with a bank card through terminals/ATMs is not recommended for those who want to save money. It’s worth mentioning separately about the Qiwi wallet, since the commission fee is 3%, but the transaction requires a minimum of information.


In order to avoid commission, you should make payment through the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate, State Services and Sberbank online (minimum fee). All other options, one way or another, require additional funds. Traffic police fines should be paid online without commission only on the official pages of the structures. You must carefully study the page so as not to pass on your card information to scammers.