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Gemma exhibition. Gemstone collapse - stone slide


The autumn exhibition "Gem Fall" has begun in Moscow. She works in the pavilion of Sokolniki Park.
The weather in the city is cloudy, and a gloomy sky hangs over the houses. The fountains in the park have already been turned off, and yellow leaves are floating in the water. There are almost no passers-by. People crowd only near the kiosks with the sign "Pancake House". It smells like wet bark and earth.
Entrance to the exhibition costs 120 rubles. The printed circulation on the ticket is 6,000 pieces. My ticket on Saturday afternoon was number 3388.
The “gem collapse” changes little from year to year. The polished shop windows still sparkle. Warm light pours from many lamps.
Under the spotlights lie a variety of trinkets. There are millions of them, but almost all of them merge into one motley exotic mass.
Caskets. Stromatolites. Fulgurites. Sand roses. Petrified wood.
The Virgin Mary, carved from mammoth tusk, looks sternly at the audience. Not far from it rises the stern face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, lined with colored minerals. Right next to it is a fossilized stalk of coal horsetail, curled into a semicircle. It has a price tag: "Obama's ear. 2000 rubles."
Sheer eclecticism.
Horoscope stones and megalodon tooth.
Witchcraft amulets and trilobites.
Charms and septaria.
Multi-colored bracelets, beads, necklaces.
Jade glasses.
Bronze dachshunds.
Tiny beads and giant balls the size of a man's head.
Golden earrings.
Pieces of spinel, similar to lingonberries.
Chrome diopside fragments are like mint candies.
A huge ammonite from Madagascar worth a million rubles.
Balls and eggs of different minerals, any colors: cream, pink, olive, completely black and black with white specks.
One stone seemed to have frozen fog. In another, the clouds froze. In the third, the sunset froze.
Large pieces of rock lie next to one counter. It is written on them with a felt-tip pen: 17 kg, 26 kg.

Buyers swarm around the tables, asking prices, choosing.
Snatches of conversations and individual remarks can be heard.
- It's the same here...
- A completely new stone, no one kissed it...
- No, baby, I won’t buy it...
- I only need an amethyst!..
- Thank you very much, good luck to you...
- I tell her: take the carriage...
- Will you give me some discounts?..
- We sell everything that we sharpened between exhibitions...
- Nobody needs him...
- You won't find quartz like this anywhere else...
- He’s lying in the hospital, shouting: I should be on the Gemma...
- Of course, this is an expensive sample. This is Pakistan...
Buyers look at the transparency of the crystals and the flowiness of the stones.
Sales are going calmly and steadily, just like at the last exhibition, and the one before that, and the one before that.
Mostly small change from one hundred to five hundred rubles is sold. Large sales are rare. News about them quickly turns into rumors and tales, overgrown with amazing details.
“The contingent here is strange. Once a girl came to the exhibition, with a man with her, who seemed to be her father. The girl stopped in front of a huge slab with a print of a fish. She asks in a thin voice: “How much does the fish cost?” They answer her with a smile: “200 thousand rubles.” She asks again: “Will you give me a 10 thousand discount?” The seller nods with a stupid look. The girl turns to her companion and says: “Vasya, run for the wallet.” It turned out that Vasya was not a father, but a security guard. While he was running, the girl said that recently. Dad gave her a book about paleontology, and there was a photograph of such a fish, so she wanted a plate with fish,” says one of the sellers.
Another time, a man ordered a mammoth skeleton for his dacha.
There were buyers who demanded dinosaur eggs for themselves - at any price, but urgently: they wanted to give it to someone.
Such stories spread quickly and become folklore.
The circle of stone lovers is not too large. “There are few real collectors. This can be seen in the market. You sell some things, then they come back to you. I personally sold one sample three times,” a fossil animal seller tells his story.
"I sold it for the first time. Three years passed. I saw the same sample at an exhibition in Europe, I bought it cheaply. I brought it back to my homeland, sold it. A year later they offered to buy it again. I bought it. I resold it. Now I’m waiting, will it come back? I think it will come back. . After all, it’s a cycle.”
A mineral salesman sits on a chair nearby, bored. Plays the game "Magic Crystals" on his smartphone. If you put crystals of the same color together, they disappear, points are awarded, and new crystals fall on top. Around the seller are thousands of the same crystals, only real ones.
A girl in a white blouse and heels walks past the counters. He holds a huge stone-cutting disk in his hand.
Many counters have announcements, recommendations and explanations:
"Member of the Russian stone cutting team."
"Author's works of pearls from Natalie."
"Rings of Mokume Gane"
"Ask if there are rare stones."
Pinned to the white drapery in the corner counter is a notice that reads: “Giving new life to your beads!” The drapery climbed a little over the ad. It turned out funny: “We’re giving new life to your mustache.”
After the bright pavilion, the weather seems especially gray.
Mineralogical associations pop into my head.
The dim sky looks like Kalmyk agate, which is called fossilized milk.
The rain is knocking on the leaves. The leaves are colored like cinnabar and red quartz.
A familiar seller shudders at the entrance and says, looking at the clouds: “The old collapse is no longer there. It’s over. Soon it will completely turn into a banal European exhibition. They will come and stare. Nowadays no one is hunting for stones. Everyone is fed up. No one’s eyes light up . There are no more collectors. Maybe they realized that the apartments are really small. Or they realized that you can’t take anything to the grave.”
Lanterns light up in the park. Wet alleys lead to the metro. Beautiful music sounds in one alley. A girl in a blue hat plays a slow and drawn-out melody on the violin. The case is open on the asphalt in front of her. It contains leaves, coins and banknotes interspersed.

Bead is a project dedicated to beads and beadwork. Our users are beginner beaders who need tips and support, and experienced beaders who cannot imagine their lives without creativity. The community will be useful to anyone who, in a bead shop, has an irresistible desire to spend their entire salary on bags of coveted beads, rhinestones, beautiful stones and Swarovski components.

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Do you know how to create beautiful things from beads, beads and stones, and do you have a solid school of students? Yesterday you bought your first bag of beads, and now you want to weave a bauble? Or maybe you are the head of a reputable print publication dedicated to beads? We need you all!

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“Samotsvetny Razval” is one of the largest fairs in Russia for the sale of minerals.

At the fair you can see and purchase minerals, rock samples, colored stone products, stone-cutting products, jewelry, and establish cooperation with participants. The event features mineral collectors and manufacturers of colored stone products.

“Gem Collapse” takes place three times a year: in April - on Geologist’s Day, in October and December at the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center in pavilion 7a. The exhibition area is 1800 sq. meters.

A visit to the “Gem Collapse” fair will allow you to:

  • Plunge into the extraordinary world of natural stone
  • Get acquainted with minerals, paleontological samples, colored stone products
  • Compile and expand mineralogical collections
  • Buy minerals, cut stones, natural stone souvenirs, jewelry
  • Establish contacts with collectors and master manufacturers of colored stone products.

For several years in a row I have not missed a single exhibition. You can buy very interesting and beautiful stones (both jewelry inserts and collectible samples) at very affordable prices.

Lina Alexandrova

Who should come to the fair:

  • Collectors of minerals and natural stone products
  • For lovers of natural stone
  • For stone processors
  • Workers of geological and mineralogical museums
  • For schoolchildren and students interested in the natural environment

Exhibition Gemstone Collapse. Autumn 2018 is held from October 6 to 8 in Moscow, Russia.

You can see the exhibited products and sections of the exhibition below, in the “Additional information” block. Full list of participants Gemstone collapse. Autumn 2018 is posted on the official website of the exhibition and is constantly updated. You can also find exhibitors from the previous year there. Business program Gemstone collapse. Fall 2018 is usually published closer to the start of the event.

Your personal calendar

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Are you planning an independent trip to Samotsvetny Disruption? Fall 2018?

We recommend booking.com during the exhibition period. How to get to the exhibition center Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center can be found in the catalog of places or on the official website of the site. Also use Google Maps, which allows you to build routes using public transport.Don't forget to check the location and dates of the exhibition on the official website and in the exhibition complex calendar. The event can be postponed, cancelled, or combined with a project of a similar theme. Please note thatExpomap is not the event organizer and is not responsible for inaccuracies in the information provided.

Exhibition “Gem Collapse”(among others it is more often called “Gemma”) - one of the oldest in Moscow. It has been held since 1991 and is constantly “registered” at VDNKh, although it changes pavilions from time to time. On its days, professionals who personally mine minerals, as well as sellers of stones and jewelry made from them, come from all over the country and even other countries.

The exhibitions focus on collections and raw materials (including jewellers). However, here you can also find ready-made jewelry with stones, as well as crafts carved from stone.

Our impressions of the exhibition "Gemma"

The editors of “JEWELIRUM” visited the first fair of 2015 – in April. And this exhibition impressed us, if not shocked us with its diversity and truly miracles extracted from the depths. But what we saw at the stands is a little lower.

This time the exhibition took place in pavilion No. 55, just to the right of the famous “Cosmos”. We didn’t find any minibuses at the main entrance, so we just walked for about 15 minutes around the territory of VDNKh.

After queuing for a bit, we purchased entrance tickets at the price of 100 rubles in the “anteroom” between the glass doors. And finally we found ourselves inside a spacious open rectangular hall, along which there were rows of tables with lamps on.

The first vivid impression of the exhibition was the amazement of the huge number of visitors. There really were a lot of people, and they stood in groups near almost every table, making our photographer’s work much more difficult. We have never met so many guests at any jewelry exhibition. It turned out that minerals attract almost more than finished masterpieces of jewelry:

It was a special pleasure to watch representatives of professional communities involved in the extraction and processing of stones. Special atmosphere and special faces:

What interesting things can you find at the “Gem Collapse”?

The exhibition is considered a collection of raw materials. Stones mined in a variety of deposits (Kazakhstan, Altai and others) are “hunted” by collectors of rare and unusual minerals, as well as jewelers who are looking for processed stones for inserts into jewelry. And it was with beautiful druses, natural minerals and smooth cabochons that the main space was filled. Lapis lazuli, amethysts, diopsides, garnets, agates and others, plus an endless variety of mineral samples with a complex composition:

No less impressive were the fossils brought by geologists with living organisms (for example, arthropods), which imprinted their outlines in limestone millions of years ago:

“Semi-precious collapse” pleased with interesting handmade jewelry with beautiful stone inserts. We also came across several examples of exquisite filigree, jewelry with mosaics made of colored stones, and earrings with lapis lazuli druses: